
Product Description:

As a cell phone jammer,this adjustable blocker can jam GSM,3G,4G frequencies so it is very appropriate to keep it in the school examination room,court,meeting room etc that need to be quiet or solemn.Besides,GPS,WIF frequencies can be configurable in the jammer and if you want ,you can choose other combinations.With a white aluminum shell,the jammer has a high heat dissipation so that it can work for a long time continuously.


Radius up to 30 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)

Can work for a long time continuously

White aluminum shell against overheating

Fully adjustability to all  5 antennas


Frequencies Supported: - CDMA & GSM: 870-960MHz

- DCS & PHS: 1805-1990MHz


- 3G : 2110-2155MHz

- WiFi: 2400-2500MHz

- GPS: 1570-1580MHz

-4G LTE:725-770 MHz

Please note that the jammer is only available to jam up to 5 defferent frequencies mentioned above at the same time.

Output Power:10W

Operating Range: radius up to 30 meters 

Power supply: AC power adapter

Dimensions (without antennas): L:250 x W:106 X D:33 (mm)

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