Product Informations

Product Features:
1.When someone dials the phone, you will receive a "The user you are calling is temporarily out of service."
2.The phone into the holster, you can play to prevent the phone's electromagnetic radiation, to protect the health of health care function

1.The jammers are customized according to the frequency bands of different countries, please confirm that the purchase country and the actual use country are consistent. Otherwise it can not be used.Please read the jammer function before purchasing.
2.If the low power jammers(such as handheld jammers) to blocker high power signal device(such as high-power WIFI router, Bluetooth audio equipment, etc.), the effect will be poor or even can not jammer.
3.It is forbidden to use while charging.
4.Do not use handheld jammers as desktop jammers.
5.Do not use jammers before connecting the antenna.

Technical Specifications

Parameter Name Parameter Details
Model EO-P-101
Jamming frequencies Mobile Signal
Device size 130mm*70mm
Device weight 20 g

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